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Anne-Marie Glover



Anne-Marie Glover is newly ranked in the Chambers and Partners Guide to the UK Bar 2024 in Children.  Her “skilled and nuanced advocacy has been noted to secure positive outcomes for the client”  in complex care proceedings and also in heavily contested private law proceedings.  She is experienced in both private and public law proceedings relating to children. These include private law disputes, international movement of children, complex care proceedings, contested adoptions and proceedings following adoption breakdown and matters in the national DOLS court.  Clients say: “She calmly goes through everything in a methodical way, and is an effective advocate who produces good written work” and “Outstanding in the detail she brings to her work, she provides very comprehensive notes and delivers excellent arguments in a clear way.”

Anne-Marie accepts instructions on a Direct Access basis.


In private law proceedings Anne-Marie represents parents and children through their Guardians in  particularly complex disputes, including fact finding on all aspects of  domestic abuse, and determination of child arrangements, issues relating to the exercise of parental responsibility, international travel, internal and international relocation. She has considerable  experience in public law proceedings representing local authorities, parents, family members and children through their  Guardians, in complex matters involving extensive medical evidence,  allegations of serious non-accidental injury, sexual abuse, emotional harm and   neglect. She is often instructed to represent particularly vulnerable clients such as young parents, competent children, and those with mental health difficulties and learning disabilities.

Anne-Marie works hard for her clients, applying a forensic, analytical approach to case preparation and adopting a subtle yet robust advocacy style. She is described as having “understated, highly effective negotiation skills” that are put to good effect in representing her clients’ interests throughout the legal process.  Anne-Marie values good working relationships with her professional and lay clients to inspire confidence in her presentation of the case and the advice she gives. Her warm and approachable style puts clients at ease .

Anne-Marie has particular interest in international human rights law: she has conducted in-country research and consultation in Somaliland to formulate child rights legislation.

Practice Areas

Private Law Children

Public Law Children

Human Rights

International Family Law

Local Authority

Education and Professional Memberships

BA (Hons) Manchester University 1996 

Postgraduate Diploma in Law Manchester Metropolitan University 1999 

LLM International Law (Distinction) SOAS, University of London 2011 


Middle Temple Blackstone Entrance Exhibitioner 1999 

Family Law Bar Association 

Association of Lawyers for Children 

The Honourable Society of Middle Temple 



“She calmly goes through everything in a methodical way, and is an effective advocate who produces good written work.” Chambers UK Bar 2024, Band 4

“Outstanding in the detail she brings to her work, she provides very comprehensive notes and delivers excellent arguments in a clear way.” Chambers UK Bar 2024, Band 4

“Anne-Marie combines excellent client care and forensic skills. Her preparation is extensive and immaculate. She is fearless in representing her clients and gives clear, measured advice.” Legal 500 2024, Ranked: Tier 6

Theis J noted in her judgment in X (Habitual Residence), Re [2019] EWFC 84, that “the court has the benefit of detailed written skeleton arguments submitted by the Local Authority and the Children’s Guardian, as well as skilled and focussed oral submissions for which the court is extremely grateful.”

“A very sharp, thorough, personable and extremely helpful barrister who fights hard for her clients and is willing to go the extra mile. It is always a pleasure instructing her on a case.” Melanie Hepworth, Director, Covent Garden Law

“Anne-Marie has been an exceptional Advocate both on and off ‘the field’. I’ve found her to be caring, considerate and someone I can depend on when the going gets tough. She gets to the bottom of issues quickly and always aims to ensure the client remains satisfied throughout. As a team we have been a (true) force to be reckoned with! ” Solicitor, Private Law Children proceedings 

“Anne-Marie always works tirelessly to obtain the best result possible for the clients she represents; whether that be a parent, child through their Guardian or a wider family member. She goes above and beyond. She is very approachable and great with vulnerable clients, appreciating the need and taking the time to explain, advise and guide clients to ensure they feel supported and that their case is being presented as they wish”. Sophie Burchett, Solicitor, Duncan Lewis solicitors 

Solicitor’s feedback on Anne-Marie’s representation of a parent in complex care proceedings involving non-accidental injury noted that her “skilled and nuanced advocacy secured a positive outcome for the client”

Solicitor’s feedback on a successful outcome in protracted private children proceedings, “Client is delighted, says you were awesome!”


S (Vulnerable Parent: Intermediary) [2020] EWCA Civ 763; [2020] 4 WLR 97,
[2020] 3 FCR 478, [2020] 4 WLR 97

X (Habitual Residence), Re [2019] EWFC 84

A & N, Re (Children – Leave to Oppose Adoption) [2020] EWFC B81 (06 April 2020)([2020] EWFC B81

E, A & N, Re (Contested Adoption) [2020] EWFC B82 (28 October 2020)