Qualified Legal Representatives in Financial Remedy Proceedings

‘Qualified Legal Representatives in Financial Remedy Proceedings’ was published by Adrian Barnett-Thoung-Holland & Alice Thornton in the Financial Remedies Journal. The full article can be found here: Financial Remedies Journal:…

‘Qualified Legal Representatives in Financial Remedy Proceedings’ was published by Adrian Barnett-Thoung-Holland & Alice Thornton in the Financial Remedies Journal. The full article can be found here: Financial Remedies Journal: Qualified Legal Representatives in Financial Remedy Proceedings.

The recent decision in AXA v BYB (QLR Financial Remedies) [2023] EWFC 251 (B) marks the first occasion in which a qualified legal representative (QLR) was appointed and used in a financial remedies final hearing at the Central Family Court. Adrian Barnett-Thoung-Holland appeared on behalf of the respondent in AXA v BYB (QLR: Financial Remedies) [2023] EWFC 251 (B).

This case sheds light on the role and utilisation of QLRs, particularly in complex proceedings, with the article covering what considerations arise from the implementation and role of QLRs to assist practitioners who have yet to encounter them in financial remedy proceedings.