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Hannah Gomersall



Hannah specialises in children law and financial remedies. Described by solicitors as “warm, approachable and thorough” and having “excellent communication skills”, Hannah is known for her pragmatic and focused approach. 

Hannah has particular expertise in international relocation cases and intractable contact disputes, including where a Guardian has been appointed. She regularly represents parents where there are allegations of serious domestic abuse, international abduction or forced marriage.  

Hannah undertakes a wide variety of financial remedies work including where there are issues of jurisdiction and pension provision. She has also acted in financial remedy appeals, enforcement proceedings and applications under Schedule 1 Children Act 1989. 

Hannah regularly handles complex care proceedings including where there is an international element or allegations of serious harm and abuse. She has significant experience in working with clients with learning disabilities. 


Hannah has appeared in three significant cases before the Court of Appeal. In 2018, Hannah was a shortlisted for Family Law Young Barrister of the Year. 

Hannah has also worked in the area of historic institutional child abuse having formed part of a high profile legal team for a survivors group, providing representation around the formation of a redress scheme. 

Hannah is committed to promoting access to justice for all. She regularly undertakes pro bono work and as Co-Chair of the Society of Labour Lawyers Family Group, Hannah has given evidence to the Bach Commission on access to justice, specifically about the impact of legal aid cuts on the family courts. She has provided commentary on the draft domestic abuse bill and proposals for policy reform. 

She is the safeguarding governor of a local primary school. 

Practice Areas

Private Law Children

Finance and Private Client

Human Rights

International Family Law


The voice of the vulnerable: achieving fairness for parents with learning disabilities or cognitive impairments [2023] Fam Law 387

A “major overhaul” of family courts to protect domestic abuse victims…or a re-branding exercise? 6 July 2020, Family Law Week

The Domestic Abuse Bill: a long-awaited overhaul or flawed legislation with an implementation problem? 1 February 2019, Family Law Week

The Liberty Protection Safeguards: the solution to a bureaucratic nightmare? [2017] Fam Law 533

Kinship care conference [2016] Fam Law 126

Children case update: Public Law [2016] Fam Law 991


Re Z (A Child) (Order for no contact) [2023] EWFC 61

Re D &E and F & A Local Authority [2022] EWHC 3450 (Fam)

Re R (Children) (Control of Court Documents) [2021] EWCA Civ 162

Re G (Children: Intractable Dispute) [2019] EWCA Civ 548

Re P-S (Children) [2018] EWCA Civ 140

Education and Professional Memberships

University of Oxford, St Hilda’s College: BA (Hons) Music 

City Law School: Post-Graduate Diploma in Law 

City Law School: Bar Practice Training Course 

Family Law Bar Association 

Middle Temple 

Bar Pro Bono Unit Panel Member 

Society of Labour Lawyers 


Astbury Scholarship, Middle Temple, 2012 

Harmsworth Exhibition, Middle Temple, 2011 

St. Hilda’s College, Oxford, Music Scholarship, 2010